Auto Repair Tools Of Basic Knowledge For You

When many car owners encounter problems or malfunctions with their cars, most of them will go to the repair shop for inspection and repair, which costs a lot of money.  In fact, the basic knowledge of auto repair is not complicated. Today, I will popularize the knowledge about auto repair for everyone.

A: Difficulty starting the car

1、Check the vulnerable parts of the car

such as the spark plug, if the spark plug is damaged, replace it with a new spark plug.

2、Check the parts of the car that are prone to moisture

such as distributors, spark plugs, high-voltage wires, etc. If they are damp, we can dry these parts before starting.  If the parts in the engine compartment are damp, this requires a professional auto repair company to maintain and repair.

3、Check the power storage equipment for starting the car

the lighting and audio in the car will consume the battery power, resulting in insufficient battery voltage. If the problem is the voltage, we can try to tow the car, then put the car in second gear, and when the clutch is driven to a certain speed, release the clutch and try to start the engine. If it still fails to start, it proves that there is a problem with the battery.

B: Engine stalls when car shifts gears

 1. Check the idle speed of the car.

Unstable idle speed will affect the shifting of the car, so adjust the idle speed to the normal speed, but remember to tighten the idle speed cut-off valve and plug the plug tightly.

2、Check the oil-air separator.

If the idle speed is in the normal stable range or the gear stalls, it is recommended to clean the oil-air separator.

C: When the car is driving at high speed, the steering wheel is unstable, jitter, etc.

1. Check the tire pressure:

Unemployment of the tire pressure may cause the vehicle to be unstable. The owner can use the air pressure gauge to check the tire pressure to ensure that the air pressure of each tire is within the scope of the manufacturer’s proposal.

2. Tire balance problem:

Tire balance disorders are also one of the reasons for vehicle jitter. At this time, you can go to a professional tire service center for balance adjustment.

D: The car turns heavy

1. Check the steering solution:

The heavy steering may be caused by insufficient steering solution or deterioration. The owner can check the vehicle manual to find the steering fluid to add the mouth, and add a new steering solution in accordance with regulations.

2. Check the steering system:

If the problem of heavy steering continues to exist, it may be a fault in the steering system. It is recommended to check the professional repair point in time.

E: Run off while driving

1. Tire opposition problem: 

Inaccurate tires may cause the vehicle to run off when driving, and the owner can regularly adjust the tire -to -digit adjustment.

2. Suspension system problem:

The suspension system failure may also cause unstable direction when the vehicle is driving. You need to check the professional repair point for detailed inspection.

 Finally, I would like to list some problems that can be solved by your own ability alone: when the car is driving at high speed, the steering wheel is unstable and shakes; the car turns heavily;  Faced with the above problems, you should send your car to a professional repair point for inspection and maintenance as soon as possible.